We at Kirkham Legal are well aware of the need for everyone to get their personal affairs in order by preparing Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney, but are also aware that many people put off preparing these documents “to another day”, which can cause significant legal problems in the eventuality that either document is needed but not in existence.
“In my many years of experience of dealing with clients I have realised they put off preparing these documents for a variety of reasons – some think it is morbid to talk about such issues, some are superstitious, some think they are too young (when they are not!) and will never need either document, and some are just reluctant to spend money in putting their affairs in order at this point in their life”, says Daniel Prince, Consultant Solicitor at Kirkham Legal, “but I have also had to deal with the consequences of people not having valid wills or Lasting Powers of Attorney in place, and these situations far outweigh the inconvenience or expense of having prepared these documents in the first place. We are therefore running a special promotion in the month of June, to try and encourage people to put their affairs in order now. We are offering to prepare, update or amend a standard Will for free, if you instruct us to prepare a Lasting Power of Attorney at the same time. The offer applies to all instructions received between the 1st and 30th June 2018”.
If you wish to take up this offer, please contact us on 0161 393 2299.
Our Practice Licence Number is 11250.